
Before using the bot, you must fill in these fields.

Discord webhook

In order to create your webhook URL you need to go to your Discord server or to a Discord server with access to integration management. Webhooks -> Create -> Copy Webhook URL.

The resulting link must be pasted into the bot settings field.

Blockfrost key

In order to get Blockfrost API key, you need to follow the link and log in to the website. Add project -> Select Cardano mainnet -> Save project. Blockfrost API key must be pasted and saved in the bot settings.

Blockfrost provides 50,000 requests a day for free. This is enough for all bot modules to work. You can subscribe to a Developer plan to speed up transaction processing, but this is not necessary at all.

Save logs

In order to save all logs to filesystem click on SAVE LOGS button. You will be promted to select target folder. The file will be saved as zip-archive with the following name log It will contents the main log and separated files to each task.

Last updated