
Adding a wallet

To add a wallet, click ADD.

The bot only works with single address wallets & with wallets that have single address mode enabled (e.g. Eternl)

Remember, all your data is always stored encrypted on your device only. Never use cold or main wallets in the bot.

Wallet generation

You can generate a wallet directly in the bot by clicking the GENERATE WALLET button. The mnemonic phrase will be saved on the device in encrypted form and then it will be sent to your SERVICE WEBHOOK.

Working with wallets

To search for a wallet by name, use the search bar in the upper right corner of the screen

To check your wallet balance, click on the REFRESH icon.

To delete a wallet, click on the TRASH BIN icon.

To view your wallet on, click on the LINK icon.

Set collateral within the application

  1. Open your account group and click </> icon (marked "1" at the screenshot below). Wait until "Collateral" cube will show up (marked "2.").

  2. Click the "check" button 10-30 seconds after the collateral transaction.

Interacitons with multiple wallets

  1. Import of multiple wallets. Select a file (.txt type only), where each new line contains one mnemonic phrase for a wallet. Use space to separate each word of a mnemonic phrase.

  2. Balance check of all wallets. Updates the balances of all wallets in the group.

  3. Setting of collateral on all wallets. Sets collateral on all wallets in the group.


tkz-wallet is simply a franken wallet that you can easily create in the bot. This feature allows you to create a wallet with the stake address of other existing wallet.

Why is this needed? If minting provider uses wallet's stake address to check whether it is allowed to mint from that wallet or not, you can mint an NFT to the wallet that you own using the WL allocation of other wallet. You obviously need to know which stake addresses were whitelisted in order to mint successfully. We don't have an exact answer on which minting provider platforms it might work and there is no guarantee that you won't lose your money minting this way.

Access to the wallet You can interact with the wallet within the bot or you can import it to Etern wallet.

Last updated