BOOKTOKEN (outmoded)

This type of task requires BLOCKFROST API key in Tokenizer settings.


Wallet group

Select a wallet group from those present in the drop-down list.


Select a wallet that will be used in the task.

Drop ID


Number of NFTs to mint per 1 transaction.

Auth token

Authintication token.


Select the solving mode: MANUAL - you will be asked to enter the answer manually. Its slower, but you can give 100% right answer. RANDOM - the bot will select one answer randomly. Its faster, but there is 25% chance to get right answer.

Proxy list

Select a proxy list that will be used in the task. Works if USE PROXY is True

Use proxy

Decide whether you are going to use proxies or not.

Retry delay

Delay in ms during monitoring/error.

For a more detailed and up-to-date setup of the task, check the appropriate text channel on our Discord server.

This module requires Captcha Solver Extension.

Authentication token

To get this value, login to your account, open the browser DevTools(F12) and go to the Application section. Find section and copy auth._token.auth0 value.

Last updated