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Transactions on Aptos blockchain consume gas in the same way as transactions on Ethereum blockchain. The higher you set GAS PRICE, the more priority your transaction will have, however, it also increases transaction fees.

Here you can read more on how transaction fees are calculated.

We advise you to set the GAS LIMIT at 75000 for a mint transaction containing 1 NFT. If there is more than 1 NFT in the transaction multiply the advised GAS LIMIT by the number of NFTs in that transaction.

Don't forget that in order to send a transaction, you must have funds to cover the fee


Set your clock ahead by a couple of hours, so that the clock displays the time when the mint is supposed to be live. This is done to make the mint button clickable. Then, click the mint button to see how the wallet builds the transaction. We advise you to use Martian. The pictures below show how to fill the fields.

If TYPE ARGUMENTS is empty, leave the field blank.

Last updated