Working with tasks

Currently, you can work with each task individually using the buttons inside the task's bar or you can work with an entire task group using the buttons at the bottom.

To start or stop a task, click the START/STOP button. To delete a task, click on the trash bin icon.

Logs & Clone

About this "..." icon on every task bar


Every single task has its logs. Logs are traces of the task lifecycle. You can analyze that information to get an understanding of what went wrong in the process of minting/sniping. If the situation is not clear for you, open a ticket and ask the team about that!

To open task’s logs, hover your mouse over the "three dots" icon, and then click "logs".

There is also a way to get all the logs at once. Open the settings window by clicking the icon at the right bottom corner, then click "save logs."


You can duplicate already existing task, it saves some time on setting up the bot. The task appeared after clicking the "clone" button will be exactly the same as parent one.

Last updated