For a more detailed and up-to-date setup of the task, check the appropriate text channel on our Discord server.

Token price


Lets say you want to buy JELLY tokens for 10 ADA and current exchange rate is 5 JELLY tokens for 1 ADA or 0.2 ADA per JELLY token. So you need to setup a task with the following parameters. Amount = 10 Price = 0.2 With these parameters a transaction will "say" to the pool contract that it want to swap 10 ADA for JELLY and receive at least 5 JELLY. As you can see there is no slippage or other parameters, all you need is price and amount, just adjust the values according to the desired result.

During a liquidity pool sniping its advised to setup a less higher price of buying to make your tx go through.



This type of monitor will send a transaction once you start the task. DECIMALS and TOKEN NAME fileds must be filled in.


This type of monitor will be monitoring your clipboard for a target policy ID. As soon as it find the policy in your clipboard the transaction will be sent. DECIMALS and TOKEN NAME fileds must be filled in. POLICY ID filed must be empty.


This type of monitor works with Tokenizers internal onchain monitors. Once a creating liquidity pool transaction is appeared in the blockchain, the transaction will be sent. DECIMALS and TOKEN NAME fileds must be filled in.

Buffer + Onchain

The most tricky monitor option. This type of monitor will be monitoring your clipboard for a target policy ID. As soon as it find the policy in your clipboard the task will request the latest created pool from internal Tokenizer monitor. A transaction will be sent only if the policy ID that you copied was found in the latest creation pool transactions. DECIMALS and TOKEN NAME will be set up automatically so you can leave these fields empty.

Onchain filter

This type of monitor works with Tokenizers internal onchain monitors. Once a creating liquidity pool transaction is appeared in the blockchain and MIN LIQUIDITY > pools liquidity, the transaction will be sent. POLICY ID, DECIMALS and TOKEN NAME fileds must NOT be filled in.

Table of pool compatibility and options

Last updated