
Why do we need proxies?

A proxy connection is not required for regular web surfing, but if you want to hide your IP address or access web resources blocked in your country, proxies will help you.

Whenever you run one of the modules, Tokenizer sends requests to different servers. The bot does it extremely frequent in order to have the highest chance of getting into the queue/website/etc. The more tasks you plan to run, the more proxies you will need.

More information about proxies can be found in the text channel of our Discord server.

Creating a proxy list

To create a proxy list, click the "ADD PROXYLIST" button.

The bot supports both http and https proxies, you can also use data center and residential proxies.

Please do not ask us about exact provider or region of proxies. We can give you a piece of advice about the region and required amount of proxies to each task. If we advise all of you the same provider then it soon will become blacklisted to most of protection systems.

Proxy hints

You were frequently asking us about proxy providers, so we've decided to give you additional advice about them. Since proxy providers are third-party companies, we can't be responsible for their service. Here is the list of providers that might be worth using:

It's better to choose the proxy region closer to your location to reduce ping. We would also advise you to give preferences to datacenter proxies, but also have a residential proxy plan at your hand to switch proxies quickly. There are residential proxy plans that never expire.

Last updated